Possession has been around for thousands of years and the
understanding behind it has changed of the course of those years. Hundreds of
years ago when someone had an ailment of the mind of body, that person was
considered "possessed" by something evil and malicious and the goal
was to rid the person of the infliction.
In a general sense, they are in fact 'possessed' by the illness and
until the body rids it from their physical sense, they will remain so.
It would seem the lack of understanding in body and health
led many to believe all sorts of things.
What could cause such a physical disruption? Did something get into the body to cause this
fever, or sores? If something entered
the body and is causing harm, then it must be flushed out and removed, water
intake, leeches to suck the tainted blood, thus perhaps removing the foreign
matter that possesses the individual.
With religion, comes a different arena of belief in
possession. Bringing to the table fear
of damnation, fear of God, a sinner who has been inflicted with demons due to
lack of faith and beliefs. On top of the
pre-existing "possession of health and ailment" we now add
"possession of evil, demons and the Devil." These angles of possession intertwined and
co-existing, could create all kinds of new forms of possession.
When one hears voices, faith believers then come to the
conclusion that it must be demons or the Devil, what else could it be? These demons are wooing the person they
inhabit, they are coaxing them to do the opposite of the Lord, to spread evil, mischief
or inflict harm in others. As they are
demons, they then must only be removed by someone close to the church; this is
the only solution.
Let us look at this from a different perspective, what if
these voices and inflictions are not caused by demons or The Devil? What if these were caused by someone from
somewhere else, who has full access to the world around us, undetected by sight
or sound (for the most part), and can manipulate, or antagonize us, knowing
full well our fears, beliefs, anxieties or upmost secrets and then use them
against us in a multitude of different ways.
How can such a people use them against us, we don't hear or
see them? Or do we? Maybe those thoughts you get into your head
that are not so good, startle you and make you ask yourself "Why did I
just think THAT!?" Maybe you unconsciously
do something that you never ordinarily would and you later pay the price and
say "Why did I do that, I never would even think of doing
Maybe those people who are "possessed" are simply
conduits or sensitives and have an open channel, thus even deeper
manipulation. When these "possessed
sensitives" are inflicted and preyed upon, people then jump to all past
conclusions on why this must be happening. They were not "of faith" so a demon
has latched itself to them. They were a
Paranormal Investigator, and must have taken a demon or evil soul as an
All of this is here say of course, including my own
theory. How do we know the dead can
really "attach" to us at all?
How do we really know that the dead are around us? In short, we don't know who or what is really
around us. Anyone who claims to know,
has either been told by someone else, or convinced themselves they have all the
answers. If they do have all these
answers, I would ask of a money-back guarantee if I was possessed and they were
exorcising me.
Let's keep looking at the idea that a sensitive might be a
victim of something that nobody else can remedy realistically, but they have to
endure all the ritual and promises of others that it will be resolved and the
"entity" be cast out for good and then arrive that it has or has not
worked out that way. It becomes almost insult
to injury after the fact.
Humans are cruel to each other and find ways to manipulate
and try to control one another, who is to say that someone else just like us,
or even further, IS us in another form or place, has the advantage to due
unspeakable things to their fellow species, simply because they have the means
to do so.
How are they able to do the things they do? How can they move objects, replicate voices, knock,
appear to us, lift us up, scratch us, touch us, breathe on us, and physically
harm us? There is no proof that they are
not physical beings where they are, maybe a thin, onion skin between us is
enough to soften the physicality of action.
What if someone else existed that is allowing them to do
these things to us? What if this someone
does not fully understand us and let's these people manipulate us to try and
understand us better? What if the ones
being allowed to do things to us, are taking advantage of this opportunity and using
it as a means of amusement and torture?
What I am describing is we move on somewhere else and co-exist with
someone else who has the technology but maybe not the human understanding on
why we do the things we do. Our people
could easily lie or make things up so that they are allowed to continue to prey
on someone they selected, or relay that they are "helping them become a
better person", etc.
This would explain why some people have problems for a while
and others for years at a time. How long
can a person or group of people continue to do cruel and unspeakable things to
one person? Do they allow it as a free
for all and invite others to take a shot at them? Upset those around them? Continually manipulate their lives and
environment, taking a sick sadistic pleasure at this? This could be a form of
mental illness somewhere else, maybe these opportunities have intensified, thus
explaining the rampant increase in hauntings and possessions in general.
Which leads me back to the topic at hand, possession. Maybe what we look at as something evil and
foreign entering the body is not, its manipulation all around us (by this I
mean under us, beside us, etc.) and interaction with our minds and thoughts (or
direct communication and verbal abuse for sensitives).
How do you explain speaking in tongues? Who is to say they
are not hearing someone else speaking another language and they are repeating
it due to wearing them down and exhaustion?
Who is to say when super strength is applied, that there are not many
around during the "exorcism" and combined can push or lift
someone? Under the stress and belief
that this person is possessed by The Devil they can do unspeakable things, this
is the perfect scenario to ramp up the drama and situation would it not?
My personal theory is possession is an age old belief in the
unknown, and has crossed over to religion and is nothing more than an
explanation for a form of control. With
the church, control taking control over another controlled scenario for their
own means, to convert and gain followers.
If you are the expert, all who are “possessed” will come to you with their
Who is the puppet in this scenario? The person who is
"possessed"? The Church who
claims expertise in the reasons for the cause of the
"possession"? I think both are
the puppets. What we need to learn is
how to cut the strings that manipulate us and those around us. To eliminate the manipulation, we first need
to discover who, where, how and why they are able to do these things in the
first place, then take action.
-Anthony Anderson 7/26/16